Saturday, March 30, 2013

The One Where I Talk About My Friends. And Yes, That Was A FRIENDS Reference.

It's hard to believe that I'm about to graduate from college in SIX WEEKS today.

Six weeks. That's all the time I have left to make memories to last for the rest of my life.

I know, I know...I sound super dramatic. But I can't explain how hard this has been for me. I mean, Bryan has been the center of my existence for the past 4 years. The friends I've made here are pretty much my life. The lessons I've learned while at Bryan have shaped who I am now. I can't imagine my life without being here, even though I know that I'm going to have to learn what it feels like very soon.

Emilie, Brian and I during Spitfire Grill rehearsal :)

Doing what we do best....McDonalds.

I know that all good things must come to an end...I've been down this road before. But how do I make sure that I've lived these past 4 years to the best of my ability and that I can walk away from Bryan with no regrets and nothing but love and gratitude in my heart?

I don't really know what that looks like for me.

In all honesty...I'm struggling.  A lot. And I feel like I'm struggling all by myself. The rest of my senior friends seem to be doing just fine. They have future plans to conquer, other things to explore in life. Sure, they've enjoyed their time at Bryan, but they're perfectly okay with it ending too.

So why can't I seem to move on? Why is it so much harder for me?

Probably because of this.

God has blessed me so richly with friends that I never thought I'd have. They understand me unlike anyone ever has...they love me just the way I am....they inspire me to be greater than I am and they support me every step of the way. How am I ever going to let them go?

I've always had friends. That's something I have never had to worry about. But somehow, the friends I have made at Bryan are...different. The bonds I've created with them are so much deeper. I want so badly to believe that we will continue to be friends and love each other, even when we're not living together and eating together and going to classes together. Is that too much to hope for?

Emily and Jason Hundley

I don't think it's that strange. These people above are my friends that have graduated before me. They're not with me everyday, but we still are best friends. I'm actually staying at Molly (the girl pictured with me) and her husband David's house right now. Sure, we don't talk all the time...but I know that when I do see them we can pick up right where we left off. It's a wonderful feeling. And what I hope for with all of the friends I have at Bryan right now.

Justin soulmate and best friend. No joke.

Of course, there are friends that I am closer to than others. And it terrifies me to realize that our relationships will be changing in a few weeks. While I know we'll always be "friends," we won't be "best friends." But at least I have the satisfaction and comfort of knowing that they know and love me on a deeper level than a lot of people ever will.

I feel like I'm rambling...but I don't care. This is how I process rambling.

And I know that in the end, God will give me a peace about all of this. I'll get my diploma, take a million pictures just like these and drive down the hill knowing that I made the most of my experience at Bryan and that my friends are life-long friends, no matter how far away they are and how long it is before I hug them again.

Our Senior Theatre Majors: Class of 2013 Baby!