Sunday, October 23, 2016

Weeks #41 and #42: A Whirlwind of Insanity.

My 2016
Week #41 and #42

Whirlwind of Insanity.

As I write this, I'm literally falling asleep because I'm so tired.

It feels like it should be the beginning of a weekend, not a Sunday night dreading Monday morning's arrival. 

I am totally failing at this whole "blog once a week for a year" thing, and it sucks because I was doing so well for so long...and also because so much has happened that I want to talk about.

But because it's so late, I'm so exhausted and I know I'm going to regret staying up to write...I'm just gonna say this. 

These last 14 days have been consumed with school. Like, I know I can be dramatic, but I have had more homework in the last 2 weeks than I EVER have before. Add some long Tartuffe rehearsals, a music gig I was hired to play for, and a early Saturday morning work call...and you can maybe understand why I feel like I'm sleepwalking right now. 

Last year, I was really good about getting 8 hours of sleep every night. (Looking back, I have no idea how I did that.) These past two weeks I've averaged maaaaaaaybe 3 1/2, 4 on a good night. 

My face is breaking out, my muscles ache constantly, and the bags under my eyes look like they've aged 65 years. It's been a little rough. 

But in the midst of all of this stress, confusion and overwhelming sleep deprivation, I've been able to have some truly beautiful moments with people here. 

Even though it was a lot of time outside of school that I didn't necessarily have, playing jazz music for my professor at a local beer festival was pretty freaking cool.

Spending some time with a friend I hadn't connected with yet this year was wonderful. We laughed until we cried and it was such a lovely reminder of the friendship we started building last year. 

My roommate and I had a long conversation and it was the first time in awhile that we both opened up about some things that needed to be talked through. Sometimes when you're with someone constantly you forget to have the deep talks, and I'm thankful that we can do that.

Like I said earlier, there's SO much more I want to write about.......literally so many things have happened lately. And I probably won't remember them for next time.

But I just dozed off again. So that's just not gonna happen tonight. 

My bad, guys. 
Here's hoping I actually write next week...
I'm kinda over these double-teamed blog posts. 

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