Friday, July 8, 2011

21 Things I Want to Do Before I'm 21....

One of my friends named Kelly told me the other day about a list she had made a few months ago.

25 Things I Want To Do Before I'm 25.

As she read it to me, I decided that I should make one of my own. So here it is:

1. Give a successful junior recital on February 29, 2012.
2. Get straight As in my junior year at Bryan College.
3. Write 5 notes of encouragement every month to various people.
4. Start a Bible study with Emilie (my roommate).
5. Lose 30 pounds.
6. Get to the point where I exercise every day.
7. Save up at least $300 in my savings account.
8. Find a summer internship for next summer. (either NYC or LA)
9. Only spend $50 a month, putting away the rest towards savings.
10. Have a daily quiet time.
11. Read at least 10 non-academic books.
12. See a llama (no, I've never seen one).
13. Go on a weekend camping trip (I've never been).
14. Take a whirlwind weekend trip to Nashville (I've never been).
15. Write letters to my future husband.
16. Finish my sophomore year memory book....and freshman one.....
17. Make at least 10 new friends with freshman at Bryan College.
18. Learn to cook….well.
19. Run a 5K.
20. Learn to change a diaper (no, I never had to).
21. Try my hand at being a telemarketer (I’ve always wanted to).

A lot of these things are random, but they all fall under the category of things I've always wanted to do, but never have....well, most of them anyway. 
Hopefully my friends will be more than willing to help me make them a reality. :) 

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