Thursday, December 31, 2015

Resolutions; The Mini Edition.

At this very moment I'm sitting in the Keck family's kitchen. I'm sitting in the corner, watching Kim and Steve Keck cook chicken fajitas while Pandora plays in the background. They're catching one another up on their day, and I'm enjoying observing their life together.

Today has been a different New Years Eve for me. I'm not with the people I'm normally around this time of year, and I'm in a different place. But emotionally, I'm having the exact same reaction. Every year on New Year's Eve, I get super melancholy because a year is ending, so much has happened to reflect on, and the thought of going through another 365 days is exhausting. I don't want to say goodbye to 2015. I'm not ready to let go of everything that I went through.

But I have to. 2016 has so much possibility, and it's time to start looking forward. Even if the thought of what might happen terrifies me. So, here's my New Year's Resolutions.

#1. Listen.
 For a music major and avid lover of all things music, I really don't spend that much time actually listening to it. But I'm bringing my record player to school and my vinyl collection. Instead of watching Netflix every chance I get, my resolution is to spend at least 30 minutes of my morning or evening listening to a record.

#2. Read.
I have adored books since I was a child, and I used to spend hours reading everything I could get my hands on. Being in school sort of makes that difficult, but once again I could limit my TV time and instead try to read a book or two.

#3. Journal.
I used to do that everyday without fail and have recently lost my motivation. However, I know that one day I will want to remember what happened in my life during this time and so I am determined to improve on this. I'll be glad I did.

There should be more, but this is all I can think of right now.

2016: Hello.

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