Monday, June 6, 2016

Week #22: The Spider Saga

My 2016
Week #22

The Spider Saga.

Ok, so this week was crazy.

The first half was spent celebrating Memorial Day with Emilie's family, hanging by the pool, in rehearsals, and spending time with friends.

The second half was when I was supposed to move in to my apartment, a place I'm subletting for June and July. On Friday night I was unpacking all of my stuff when I opened the door to see LITERALLY THE HUGEST SPIDER I HAVE EVER SEEN IN MY LIFE. 

Seriously, I'm not exaggerating. It was so freaking big.

So naturally, I slammed the door shut. Then I looked over to my right and saw ANOTHER ONE EXACTLY THE SAME IN THE CORNER.

I then sprinted to my bedroom and tried to calm no avail. So I texted Emilie, frantically asking her if I could come back and stay there for the night. Finally getting my heart rate to slow down, I said, "I'm sure it's fine, they're just at the front door. I'll be okay." I went to walk out of my bedroom and there was ONE SITTING RIGHT OUTSIDE OF MY ROOM. NOPE NOPE NOPE.

At that point, all clarity and common sense left my brain; I grabbed my overnight things and literally ran out of the apartment, leaving all of the lights on and jumping in my car. I drove to the Belisles, crying and shaking like the idiot that I am.

Fine, judge me. But I don't do spiders that are wider than the span of my foot. My bad.

Anyway, over the next 2 days I got people to help me set off a bug bomb and sweep everything up. I haven't seen another bug since (fingers crossed), but last night was my first night sleeping here.

You may laugh at me, but I called my parents and made them stay on the phone with me as I walked in the apartment, checked all of the rooms and tried to calm myself down again. I crawled into bed and fell asleep with Netflix on and my bedroom lamp on all night. 

And you know what? Yeah, I'm still a little scared. I'm still a little uncomfortable, and I'm still a little lonely. But I've taken action to deal with my fear and I'm trying to get past it. (Along with finding the humor in the situation, as seen by the fortune cookie my dad sent me in the above picture.)

This whole story may seem immature, ridiculous and silly to you, but to me...I'm kinda proud of myself.

That's all. 

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