Tuesday, June 28, 2016

Week #25: A Week of Moments.

My 2016
Week #25

A Week of Moments.

I know this post is a little late, but this past week has been one of ups and downs.

Recently I found out that Bryan College, my alma mater, is performing Into the Woods this next academic year. Hate on it all you want, theatre people, but I adore this show. It speaks to my heart in a way that few musicals can. I've been listening to it a lot lately, and this phrase has been stuck in my head.

Oh, if life were made of moments,
Even now and then a bad one!
But if life were only moments,
Then you'd never know you had one.

I kind of disagree...sometimes I like to think of my life in moments; the good and the bad. This week has been full of wonderful and heartbreaking moments, and only when I see all of them together do I realize the beautiful tapestry they make.

This week's' moments:

*Having several great conversations with my former theatre professor who has become a very dear friend.

*Reading Sense & Sensibility and remembering how much I love Jane Austen's work...and also how much I love reading.

*Grieving over the loss of a college friend's father. We may not talk much, but the desire to be there for a hurting friend never goes away.

*Realizing that stage management is something that I am good at, but it is not something that I enjoy. 

*Reconnecting with old friends and enjoying an evening of laughter, food and conversation.

*Finding my new go-to coffee order at Harmony House.

*Feeling overwhelming sadness at the news that one of my best friends from college's newborn baby girl passed away. There are no words.

*Looking forward to my best friend from home visiting next week. 

There have been some wonderful moments, lovely time with friends, and amazing memories made. There have also been terrible situations and the knowledge that life is never exactly what you want or expect. 

I'm thankful for both the good and the bad moments...for without both, life would be so meaningless.

Here's to another week of creating a brand-new, beautiful tapestry.

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