Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Week #37: Falling Into Place.

My 2016
Week #37

Falling Into Place.

So, one full week into this quarter, it's official. 

I. Am. Going. To. Be. So. Freaking. Busy.

(As you say to yourself, "And she's surprised because....?")

Yeah, I know. Whatever.

This past week was a lot of adjustments. I've slowly started to figure out this whole teaching thing, and my friends have been incredibly supportive (see above picture for an example). While the people in my class still seem pretty quiet and withdrawn, I feel more comfortable being in front of them and being myself. I've definitely already managed to look like an idiot without even trying, so things can only get better from there, right? My favorite teachers were always the ones who did weird, silly stuff. I dunno, guess we'll see. 

I've also had a lot of opportunities to spend time with people. Despite being incredibly swamped with homework every night and all weekend long, I'm forcing myself to walk away from my planner and "To-Do" lists and just......be with others. Laughing, talking and fostering relationships with new and old friends is so soothing to my soul, especially when I am stressed or tired. This past weekend I spent about 6 or 7 hours with a group of people, just playing games and sitting around together. It was honestly one of the most therapeutic things I could have done. I wouldn't consider myself a super-extrovert, but there are moments when being with people is exactly what I need. 

This quarter...in fact, this entire school year...is going to be one of growing for me, I can tell. It's going to stretch me in many different directions, and one of those is my own self-confidence and the way I choose to view my own worth. Most of the time, I feel like people would look at me and say, "She's confident, she's comfortable with who she is." And yeah, sometimes that's true. But there are a lot of days when I can't possibly understand how anyone would want to be around me, to invest in my life or to let me into theirs, whether that be simply friendship or something more. I have a lot of trouble remembering that it's okay to open up to others. Yes, it's a risk, but sometimes it's so worth the momentary fear. 

So here's to being more of myself, taking risks, and walking through this quarter with all the confidence I can muster...and people I love by my side every step of the way. 

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