Monday, November 28, 2016

Week #46: Round the Corner.

My 2016
Week #46

Round the Corner.

Isn't this picture beautiful? I don't know why I love it so much...but I feel like I could stare at it forever and not get tired of it. My eye is drawn to the sky as it melts into the sunset, which displays the trees and horizon as striking silhouettes in the distance...and the road stretches out before me, bending slightly so that I have to move forward in order to see what's coming. 

*cue "Just Around the Riverbend" from Pocahontas*

I feel like Thanksgiving break is one of those strange combinations; you're not in school so you're relaxing, but you're thinking about school starting a week later so you're stressing. 

At least...that's my life so that's how break was for me. 

Don't get me wrong, it was great. I was able to spend some quality time with my parents, I frequented my favorite local coffeeshop, I walked around my hometown and admired all of the beautiful fall colors, I caught up with several of my friends from church, and I got to sleep a bit later than normal. 

But because I'm rarely able to simply enjoy the moment, I found myself constantly aware of everything I needed to have ready for the first day of Winter Quarter. I had to revise my syllabus for my Theatre Appreciation class, completely redo the schedule, order books, attempt to block our winter production, and also make sure all of my Tech friends' Christmas presents were either made, ordered or planned out. So while I was in a relaxed environment, my mind never truly relaxed. And sometimes I find myself wondering if I will ever be able to accomplish such a feat. 

In addition to thinking about school and classes and gifts, I spent a great deal of time pondering what's next for me. 
And as I look at that picture again, it sort of feels like that's how my life is right now. 

I have been so incredibly blessed...God has filled my life to overflowing with family who support me from too far away, friends who see past my shortcomings and choose to love me anyway, professors who pour into me and push me to succeed, mentors who encourage and advise me through the panic, and countless other people who have impacted and influenced me along the road I'm traveling. 

But as Winter Quarter begins on Wednesday, I'm realizing that I only have a few months left in this stage of my life. 
In May, I will graduate, and hopefully have a job lined up in theatre education. 
I'll be leaving the world of school and finally entering a full-time career that I can be excited and passionate about. 

It is completely and utterly terrifying.

It's the bend in the road; just ahead, shrouded in darkness. I'm struggling to move towards it, but I can't move in any other direction. Life is slowly inching me closer and closer to this new phase of my future...and while I have no doubt it will be beautiful and satisfying (just like the glorious sunset), the turn around that mysterious corner is going to take every ounce of courage and strength I have within me.

Should I choose the smoothest course
Steady as the beating drum...
Or do you still wait for me, Dream Giver
Just around the riverbend?

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