Saturday, January 23, 2016

Week 3: It's The Little Things.

My 2016
Week #3

It's The Little Things.

If I had to use one word to describe this week, it would be


I have been pushing myself to the extreme for weeks now, and on Sunday night of this past week, I finally hit my limit. I didn't get sick exactly, but my energy level completely dissipated. The simplest task seemed excruciating and it took everything within me to get out of bed and into the office. Thankfully, my professors took pity on me and forced me to stay in bed, to relax, and to attempt to recover before we start the craziness of actual performances. So, for the first half of this week, I was teetering between sleep and a type of zombie-like existence. Fun stuff.

However, as this week has drawn to a close, I have been reflecting on the snapshots of life that occurred; the little moments I experienced that stood out to me. Sometimes, if you take the time to think about it, there are enough moments in a week to create a lasting impression and a sizable influence on your perspective.

So for me, this week was meaningful because:

I experienced the satisfaction of completing my entire to-do list for the weekend.

One of my kids in Sleeping Beauty was genuinely concerned that I didn't feel well.

It felt wonderful to watch my choreography for the show start to look like I had dreamed it would.

Another one of my kids drew a picture of her and I and gave it to me. (see above picture)

I'm finally finding my place in this theatre department and have friends that care about me, and I about them.

I laughed. A lot.

A parent from my group in Sleeping Beauty walked up to me and said, "I just want you to know that Sydney said her group is like her family, and she loves this show so much."

I had a great conversation with my director and mentor today during our cue-to-cue rehearsal, and he gave me a lot of insight into directing.

I learned how to pull costumes, sew on buttons, tack on wings, label, and cut tarp. 

I ended the week with burgers, laughter and advice from another professor and mentor, who manages to correct my idiotic notions without diminishing my zeal...something I truly admire about her.

So, even though most of my week was a blur from being exhausted beyond belief and slightly bed-ridden, there were more than enough meaningful memories to look back on and smile.

Life is precious. If only I always took the time everyday to remember moments like these.

Here's to a brand new week, readers. May you find snapshots of your life worth remembering, and may they make you smile, as mine have for me.

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