Sunday, February 14, 2016

Week #6: I'm Right Where I Need To Be.

My 2016
Week #6

I'm Right Where I Need To Be.

So, I admit that this picture is rather random, and doesn't have anything to do with my post. I took it last night at our One Day Only event, a ten minute play festival that a lot of our department was involved in. I went to see it and tried to take pictures, and this is one of my favorites...probably because it reminds me of how I feel about life on a daily basis. Give me my Snuggie, junk food and a Netflix show, and I'm set. Anyway.

The past week hasn't really felt like a full week. I came back from Mardi Gras break and realized that there's only 2 weeks left in Winter Quarter. I'm feeling pretty good about everything, though, because all of my major assignments are either done or nearly there. I'm in a good place, which relieves a TON of stress.

Most of you know by now that my adventure at Louisiana Tech has been far more challenging than I ever thought it would be. I don't necessarily mean this in a bad way; grad school is supposed to be difficult. But a lot of various elements have combined to create a tough situation for me, and while I have insanely good days, there are also insanely awful ones. I often have to remind myself that this will all be worth it in the end.

It's funny how things happen, though. Lately I've been feeling especially frustrated, for a variety of reasons. But one day last week I was in my professor's office, discussing a bunch of things, and he randomly said something to me that completely changed my attitude about everything. He said,

"Alexis, I want you to know that you should be proud of all you've done since coming here. You got here in the fall, and you jumped right into everything. I'm sure it's been rough, and probably still is at times, but you've done great work. I say this selfishly, but I have no doubt that you're right where you need to be, and when you graduate you will be more than ready to work in theatre--and do extremely well."

He meant it to be encouraging (which it SO was), but it also made me realize that Tech is exactly where I am supposed to be. It's a part of human nature to wonder if we've made the right choice, to question how we ended up at one place and not another, to ask ourselves what would be different if we hadn't made this decision. But I'm through wondering that. Louisiana Tech is preparing me for the career I have dreamt about, and I no longer doubt that I will be well-equipped and beyond ready to tackle whatever comes my way. 

And that is so incredibly reassuring, folks. You have no idea.

So here's to another week, my readers. May you find confirmation in your lives; may you know without a doubt that you are exactly where you need to be, and may you begin to shine and excel at whatever is placed in front of you. 

There's no greater feeling than knowing you're in the right place. 

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