Sunday, February 7, 2016

Week #5: Reunions Heal Your Heart.

My 2016
Week #5

Reunions Heal Your Heart. 

This week was kind of a mixture of things. I spent the first half in school, basking in the glow of no rehearsal and free evenings to do what I wanted/needed to do, which was glorious. 

On Thursday I drove to Dayton, TN to spend my Mardi Gras break with my college roommate and best friend Emilie. Because she still works at our alma mater (Bryan College), I also had the opportunity to visit with old professors and friends that were still in school there. Bryan's theatre department had their winter show this week, so I was able to watch my theatre friends perform as well.

On Friday night, we had a surprise birthday party for my dear friend Drew (pictured above). He has literally become one of the most wonderful, amazing, loyal and steadfast friends I have ever had. I can't imagine him not being in my life.

On Saturday, I got to help my former theatre professor build a set for the upcoming opera performance. It was so much fun to show him how much I've learned since being at Tech, and for him to see that I'm growing into a true artist, able to do well in my craft and excel at what I love.

Today, Emilie and I had a long conversation over Sonic Happy Hour with Caleb Julin, a senior at Bryan. He was a freshman when I graduated, and I have loved watching his college experience from afar and to see the man he has become over the last 3 years. It was so wonderful to catch up with him and to not only laugh hysterically, but to also have a serious, thought-provoking conversation. 

Right now, at this very moment, I'm sitting on the couch watching Frasier with my best friend while she eats Taco Bell and we just enjoy being together. I don't know where life is going to take her in the next few months. I find myself selfishly hoping that she comes to Tech as well, but wherever she goes, I know we'll never stop being inseparable.

And that brings me to my main point of this post. On Friday, something happened that made me think back on friendships I have had over the years. I realized when I arrived that I had told basically no one that I was coming to visit...which is unusual for me. Drew came up to me and said, "I can't believe you didn't tell me you were coming!" I said, "I am so sorry, I completely forgot and I feel terrible." His response was:

"Lex, I am confident enough in our relationship to know that if you are in town, you will find me at some point. We WILL see each other, no matter what. It's how we work. I know you care about me."

It was a normal response, but it made me think. God has blessed me so richly with friends that are tried and true, unwavering and faithful, even though we live hundreds of miles apart and hardly ever see each other. 

God is so good to me. Friendship is a beautiful thing, and I'm so glad I have the opportunity for reunions that heal my heart and refresh my spirit. 

That's really all I have to say, readers. I realize it's not profound or deep or inspiring. But it's what my week has been for me.

Here's to a brand new week: May you be reminded of the people placed in your life for you to cherish, to love and to appreciate. They are beyond priceless.
 Hold them close and love them well. I know I will.

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