Sunday, December 11, 2016

Week #48: Pushin' Through.

My 2016
Week #48

Pushin' Through.

Ok, so, I've been priding myself on the fact that since I started grad school last fall, I haven't gotten sick once. For those of you who knew me in college, you know that's a HUGE deal. (I got sick a lot in undergrad...probably due to the 22 credits I took every semester. Heh.)

But my body finally caved on Friday and I've been struggling to keep my insane schedule going...because of course this weekend was the one where I had 10 things going on. Part of me wanted to drop all of it and just lay in bed, but I decided to push through...and I'm so glad I did.

Friday I walked into class and Mr. Guinn just said, "You look awful." And I really, really did. My body was achy, I was shivering but also burning up, my throat was on fire, my head was spinning, and I couldn't focus on anything. So I told myself, "Just get through your 2:00 class, and you can go home and rest."

Well, I'd forgotten that I also had a design meeting for She Kills Monsters. This was one that I really needed to be at, so I said, "Just get through the design meeting and you can go home and rest." 

The design meeting lasted 3 hours, and when I finally got home I remembered that I had to be at rehearsal Saturday 8:00 am. So I told myself, "Once you're up, you can get through the rehearsal, and then go home and rest."

Saturday rolled around, and after a 2 hour rehearsal, I arrived at One Day Only...our 24 hour event where we rehearse brand-new 10 minute plays all day and perform them that night. I was not feeling well at all, but I knew I couldn't back out. One of my closest friends had written the play I was cast in, and I wanted to do it for him. So I told myself, "Just get through the next few hours, and you can go home and rest."

One Day Only ended up being an amazing experience. My scene partner was wonderful, the script was truly beautiful, and I felt like I was actually performing something meaningful and thought-provoking. Definitely worth the dizziness and sore throat that followed me around all day.

Afterwards, a group of my friends came over and sprawled around the living room. Our original plan had been to decorate for Christmas and watch a movie, but we ended up just talking for about 3 or 4 hours. At this point, I was truly feeling awful, so I bundled up under the blankets and just listened to everyone chatting and laughing. These people have really become my family here at Tech, and when we are all together it feels like home. It's such a good feeling to have people who hug you one at a time and all say, "Feel better, get some rest, we love you." 

So, I guess the point of this post is to say that even though I'm still sick and I'm still not feeling well and I'm still trying to get a crap load of stuff done and tomorrow's Monday...

This weekend was so, so good. 

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