Wednesday, July 13, 2016

Week #27: Blur of Contentment.

My 2016
Week #27

Blur of Contentment.

Man, this past week has been so great.

Friend-wise: After Naomi left, my best friend Morgan from Appomattox came to stay with me for 4 days. Morgan is so good for me. I force her to slow down and be lazy for a little while, and she knows how to keep me calm and even keeled when I'm stressed. Even though it felt like I constantly had rehearsal, we still managed to have a great time together. We drove to Chattanooga and spent the day exploring the was wonderful. Friends that you can try face masks with, complain about jobs with and laugh at the Mindy Project with are something to be treasured. 

As soon as she left, one of my closest and dearest friends from Bryan came to visit, Megan Darr. She was my suite mate for 2 1/2 years in college and we spent literally everyday together while in school. I hadn't seen her in over a year (which was completely unacceptable) and it was so refreshing to spend time with her for a few days. It's hard to explain how encouraging it is to see someone after 13 months and picking up exactly where you left off. Friends that you can sit in complete silence with for hours without feeling awkward is a beautiful thing. 

Job-wise: This past week began technical rehearsals...and with that change also came additions to my list of responsibilities. I learned how to operate the lighting and sound boards. I learned how to follow a calling script and be completely responsible for all technical elements of the production. I learned how to keep my cool when actors are being complete butt heads. Basically, I finally feel like I'm doing something important in this job and am excited for the performances. It's nice to not feel completely frustrated and overwhelmed overtime I go to rehearsal. 

This week was a blur. It consisted of 
friends coming and going, 
answering questions, 
deep breaths, 
"See you soons,"
and a lack of sleep.

But I wouldn't trade it for anything. 

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